Export of product content to the e-shop

Uploading product descriptions from Pobo Page Builder to e-shop 

Product descriptions edited in Pobo need to be uploaded back to the e-shop. We will show you how to export and upload descriptions.

Watch the tutorial!

Export settings
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Before we upload the product descriptions to the e-shop, it is necessary to select the export type. In Pobo Page Builder, you can choose from two export settings:

  1. Exporting long descriptions including product name and short description
  2. Exporting long description only

To set it up, navigate to "Your Account" in the top panel and click on "Account Settings":

Then you can choose the type of export you want. If you want to manage product names and short descriptions in Pobo Page Builder, choose the first option (Export long descriptions including product name and short description). This is the default option.

You can also choose the second option (Export long description only) in cases when you do not want to export the short description and product name from Pobo Page Builder to your e-shop (e.g. you are updating products via XML feed, API, etc.).

Starting export

You can start exporting products by clicking the green button "Upload product descriptions to e-shop".

In the modal window, click the green button "Export product descriptions to e-shop" and wait until the export is completed.

The product descriptions export usually doesn't tako longer than 2 minutes. In cases, when the e-shop contains tens of thousands products, the export might take up to 10 minutes. You can watch the export process in real time in the modal window.